Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Some things that are eternal


Anonymous said...


Michelle said...

Hey, I just noticed that in the top pic, you can see our trampoline!

Meilei said...

Hi Michelle, you don't know me, but Derek is making the cabinets for my remodel and he sent me the link to your blog and I just finished reading all the posts! You are awesome. I love the way you write like you're just having a convo with your friends. Anyway, I hope you don't mind if I subscribe to your blog. I may even go back and make comments on some of the previous blogs that made me laugh out loud or that I totally related to! Anyway, Thanks for sharing.

Michelle said...

Meilei, I am honored! ;-) And I AM just having a convo. It's the constant convo. in my head, baby.

Anonymous said...

You have a precious family!

Football and Fried Rice said...

Gorgeous pics of you & your babe!