*I already knew about the girly girl tomboy thing...I even wrote a post with that title about 2 weeks ago.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Hi, I'm "Amanda,"and I'm 11 years old.
What's in my veins vs. What's on my forehead
Just because a song doesn't have the name "Jesus" in it doesn't mean that it's words are not true words that belong to God, anyway...even if they are sung by a person who does not even claim to believe in God...all truth is God's truth, and He loves us and desperately wants us all to know Him too, which is only possible through the blood of Jesus.
Y'all, I'm trying to live to that level, see the world through these eyes, and what I find is that God is deeper and more complex than typical "christian culture" tends to acknowledge when you finally let yourself realize that God cannot be confined to any box. The WAY to God is narrow; it's only through Jesus blood; it's not the "All Roads Lead To God" thing that is also very cultural; but GOD HIMSELF is not in any way narrow. This shift in thinking is the difference between having something define you because it is what flows through your veins and fuels you, as opposed to just walking around with red paint on your forehead.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Cereal Offenses
P.S. And don't even get me started about dirty cereal bowls left in the sink with some of the milk and cereal flakes still in them. Y'all, I can't even type that without getting queasy.
*Not that a mom ALWAYS knows her limits, but on this point I have always known.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Fabulous Lyrical Stylings of Country Music
Saturday, September 27, 2008
It's alright, It's alright, It's alright, peeps;
Firstborn: "This guy is ,like, the third worst singer in the world."
Hubba-Dubba: "Who are the first two?"
Firstborn: "Bono**, then you."
(Um, Ouch! That smarts.)
**For the record, Hubba-Dubba and I are super Bono fans. We heart Bono. We heart his music, and we heart his heart for using his platform to help so many people. Bono, if you are reading this, we HEART you, do you even understand?!? Firstborn isn't nine years old yet, and she is very wrong much, so much of the time...and I would even say that she moves in mysterious ways...and you should never try to figure her out because you never, ever will. Trust me. Let's just leave it at that, okay? Okay.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Goodbye to this Wonderland, Until the Weekend...
This is how I have always sung these lyrics:
"...red and black until the weekend..."
"...goodbye to this wonderland..."
"...just a bucket on a lone-ly string..."
This is how I should have been singing these lyrics:
"...red and black antenna weaving..."-Ants Marching, Dave Matthews Band
"...Your body is a wonderland..."-Your Body is a Wonderland, John Mayer
"...just a puppet on a lonely string..."-Viva la Vida, Coldplay
Thursday, September 25, 2008
"The Remains of the Day"
Here's how it looks before we dig in: (*Please take special note of the fact that Derek is reading a book.*)
Here's how it looks midway:
Notice my technique for getting the frosting out. It's an original technique, but feel free to adapt it for your own cake devouring purposes.
Here's how it looks when we are done:
Derek was sooo wasteful to let all that dry cake go uneaten. I guess he ate too much salad for dinner.
Attention Shoppers
When you are strolling through a well-to-do downtown area of a well-to-do neighborhood, where BMW's and Mercedes Benz* are as rampant as Honda's and Chevrolet's in any other neighborhood, and you see a store (read: boutique) window with a sign that looks something like this: Feel free to laugh heartily.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Have I ever told you about the time...
I don't have time tonight to answer all of the skeptics, except to say that I now know that:
Y'all got me off on a tangent before I even got to the point of this post. (Why do you do that to me so often?) The story I want to tell has to do with the fact that in all of my pregnancies, I only threw up once. Pregnancy was relatively enjoyable for me**; I loved sporting the big round belly, loved dreaming up baby names, feeling baby kicks and rolls, loved the whole hospital ***experience,( I was not one of those who wanted to go home as soon as possible; I insisted on staying at the hospital the full 2 days postpartum.) loved the anticipation of meeting the new baby, the dreaming and imagining who this new person who has not yet seen the world will be...and then the baby is born, and he or she is nothing that you could have ever imagined.
Yeah. It was something like that for me. And, as I said, I only ever threw up once. It was fantastic. In my one experience of pregnancy barf, surprisingly, there was no nausea before the experience to warn me that something was about to happen...You see, I'd never experienced barfing without the preamble of nausea so painful I wanted to die, so really I should have been grateful to get to skip that part, and I think I would have been, if only Derek and I were not hours away from home, on our way from a wedding to the reception, without a change of clothes, and with our friend Renee sitting in the backseat.
What prompted the puking? It was simply that Derek told a joke and it made me laugh. We still made it to the reception, just with a stop at the first gas station we could find, to clean out the car as much as possible, and then to the nearest clothing store we could find, Clothestime, to clean ME up as much as possible. (Does Clothestime exist anymore?)
Y'all, I hope I haven't grossed you out TOO much. But sometimes a story just needs to be told, and today was the day for this one.
*...but we would have had that 4th baby, anyway.
**except for the LAST pregnancy, when I gained 80 lbs and couldn't sleep unless I was in an upright recliner, and then only sparingly, couldn't breathe, or feel my fingertips at the end...but it was the LAST pregnancy, and I knew that going in, so I endured with renewed assurance everyday that even if this last baby wasn't necessarily going to be the last one before, this baby was for sure going to be the last one now that I was enduring this misery...and then I labored and birthed that one, and that for sure sealed the deal that had already been sealed.
***Again, except for the LAST one...because I had her at a DIFFERENT hospital, which made the postpartum mothers share rooms. The nerve!
Our Own Tropical Paradise
P.S. No music was recommended for this post, since the goal was that you would be imagining soothing ukulele music as you read it.
*Okay, it's actually not very likely.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I'm not only 32, but I'm also "32 flavors, and then some"
(...still waiting...and if you're wondering why you can't see me very well, it's because I am "beyond your peripheral vision." Turn your heads already, peeps!)
Last night, after the children where nestled, all snug in their beds, I decided to paint my nails
this color.
(Oh, how I enjoy short dark nails.)
But sometimes, after I apply the topcoat and it dries, the whole of the polish on a particular nail just pulls right off in a single sheet. So it is fascinating fun to just keep pulling at the polish until they would just look silly until all of the nails are bare, again.
The problem is that after the fun and merriment, the nails are no longer painted. DOH! Maybe I will paint them again tonight. If I do, I'll take a picture...just in case it doesn't last. Until then, let us all raise our can of Enviga Green Tea (Tropical Pomegranate flavor, what do you think?!?*) and reminisce together about how truly traumatic fingernail maintenance can be.
"Like anyone could ever know that."**
to which I say:
"...but Michelle,"
P.S. Y'all got me so fired up, I forgot to suggest the song to accompany this post. If you're still reading this, go ahead and click on the song "Superman," by Five for Fighting. Click on it, then come back and resume reading...
(...still waiting...)
P.S. Actually, I do tend to think in mathematical, logical patterns, and there are equations just swimming all around my brain; it's just that mine are all interspersed with poetry.
*Oh I kid, I kid. I don't even remember what the heck an isosceles triangle even is. and I'm pretty sure it trips me up every single day, now that I'm out in the "Real World."
**Kip Dynamite
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Beautiful Thing That Breaks You
Where is my heart right now?
I think that the ocean side locals see the city side people as conformists. To what do they see us as conforming to? To "the man," I'm sure. "Which man," you ask? I'm not sure, but I think it depends on who you ask, and I'm sure it's some sort of "Cultural Man," or "Thought Police Man." The fact that the city people would conform to such a man is what disgusts the coastal natives. And I hear them, I really do. I think it's because by my observations, the people who live along the coast tend to be a very creative, artistic set of bleeding hearts. They are very good at embracing and fully enhabiting who it is that God created them to be, and they make no apologies for doing so**. I love that. I have also never seen more dread locks and tattoo sleeves then when I am on the ocean side of the mountain.
But back to the beginning of this post: why are we driving over the mountains to church every week? Why not go to a church closer to our house? Because the first time we went to Vintage Faith Church, we felt like we were home. It's as if after a lifetime of living with wonderful adoptive parents, we finally found our birth parents, and therefore the links to our very DNA. It's as simple as that. This church is real and authentic, embracing the arts, but they do it without compromising. It's an amazing feat of balancing that I admire, and have not experienced as fully elsewhere. I love Vintage Faith Church on more levels then I can even begin to explain here.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Ah, thanks, Deb! (A continuation from the previous post.)
Warning: this is a Secret Post, not to be read by the faint of heart.
Tonight, I am seeking comfort in the cozyness of my hoody that says "Lovewishhope"on the arms and around the hood. I need to be surrounded in a "Lovewishhope" hug. Why, you ask? Because Derek and I just got back from a vacation with the kids. Derek and I have not taken all of our kids on any sort of vacation since Natalie was born, because I always said "I'm not ready yet, I'm not ready yet," and this weekend, I remembered why.
Y'all, I am about to reveal a little secret here for free. Take note. Are you ready? The secret is that taking 4 kids on any sort of vacation when 1 of them is under 2 and still in diapers, and one of them is a hyperactive 4 year old who doesn't always know how to channel it appropriately, and one of them has special needs, and one of them is...well, okay, it's actually pretty easy taking the oldest one, but the other three...well, let's just say, it wasn't exactly restful. But I knew it wouldn't be...which is why we waited so long to do it in the first place, and why we won't do it again anytime soon...
While the above statements are true, just know that I am glad we did it, I would not trade the weekend in, and I hope the kids will remember it always. (Since we won't be doing it again anytime soon...) It's worth it just to see how excited they get, and how excited they remain the entire time. But I must admit, the whole process broke me. I'm just sort of a messy puddle full of shards of glass right now. I'm glad to be home, with the laundry almost done and everything else put away, yes I said put away already, thanks to a certain someone who wouldn't be able to feel a sense of peace until everything was completely unpacked. (Okay, that's me.) Now I'm off to put the kids in their proper place, in their own beds in their own home, and then the world will be right again. May visions of beach house romping and merriment dance in their heads as they drift to deeper and deepest levels of sleep. As for their mother, I think I'm going to curl up in a corner of the couch while imagining that I am walking in a lush green field as violin music plays a soothing lullabye* in my mind. I will pull the strings of the hood of Lovewishhope so as to tighten it closely too my ears, as it's wooly goodness cushions my aching head.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
One of my favorite poems
Robert Frost
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun,
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.
The work of hunters is another thing:
I have come after them and made repair
Where they have left not one stone on a stone,
But they would have the rabbit out of hiding,
To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean,
No one has seen them made or heard them made,
But at spring mending-time we find them there.
I let my neighbor know beyond the hill;
And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
We keep the wall between us as we go.
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.
And some are loaves and some so nearly balls
We have to use a spell to make them balance:
'Stay where you are until our backs are turned!'
We wear our fingers rough with handling them.
Oh, just another kind of out-door game,
One on a side. It comes to little more:
There where it is we do not need the wall:
He is all pine and I am apple orchard.
My apple trees will never get across
And eat the cones under his pines,
I tell him. He only says,
'Good fences make good neighbors'.
Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder
If I could put a notion in his head:
'Why do they make good neighbors?
Isn't it Where there are cows?
But here there are no cows.
Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offence.
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That wants it down.' I could say 'Elves' to him,
But it's not elves exactly, and I'd rather
He said it for himself. I see him there
Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top
In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed.
He moves in darkness as it seems to me~
Not of woods only and the shade of trees.
He will not go behind his father's saying,
And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbors." "
(I Just want to reitterate that ROBERT FROST wrote this poem. Not me; I only wish.)
I like her freckles
(Still waiting...)
Often while driving around town, Derek will point randomly to a street and say "I did that kitchen." or "I did an entertainment center in that house." I am never surprised by this. But the other night, we stopped in to see one of his most recent customers, Rob and Meilei. I found them to be delightful and hilarious, and their kitchen wasn't too shabby, either.
Actually, I like shabby, so I might have liked it if it were. But as it is, their kitchen it new, so new it's not yet finished, which is why I did not take many pictures of it. You can see the bottom of the cabinetry in some of these pictures.
(In this picture you can also see the handles which will soon go on the cabinets and the granite countertops.)
And now it's time for TRUE CONFESSIONS, a semi-regularly occuring phenomenon when I confess something to you that you would not have known unless you had read it here. Think of it as a reward for reading my blog. Lucky you. Today's confession is this: as soon as Mei Lei opened the front door, I fell in love with her freckles. I almost said "I love your freckles!" Right then and there, but I didn't, because I thought "What if she doesn't like her freckles?" so I said nothing. But I DID compliment her daughter on HER freckles.